Here are our top 9 tips to ace your CMA USA preparation while working full time

Working full-time and studying for US CMA?

Here are our top 9 tips to ace your CMA USA preparation

CMA USA Exam can be stressful and daunting. An exam of such a high standard requires careful preparation, combined with a daily schedule and good time management to succeed. Taking on US CMA certification while working full time can be a challenge, so here are a few tips.

Get Organized 

An effective way of tackling the vast CMA USA course and syllabus while working full-time is to understand how to approach each subject, which means digging deep into conceptual frameworks and topics where you can have outlines, reading material, and other resources all organised in advance.

Maintain a regular class schedule

In case you have chosen to enroll for CMA USA training, make sure you attend all US CMA classes regularly. Skipping classes for ad-hoc meetings or calls could lead you to becoming unfocused and overwhelmed with the syllabus.  In addition, connect with your instructor clarify your doubts as soon as possible to avoid a pile of confusing topics to rush through towards the end. 

Dedicate a study space

Studying in a specific and appropriate location has a lot of benefits. Designating a study table or place away from your work space can help you refocus and slip into student mode more easily. It will automatically alert your brain and put you in the right zone, preparing you for couple of hours of intense studying.

Create a Mixed Schedule

As a working professional there are bound to be several deadlines and commitments to keep up with however always try and keep CMA preparation as one of your top priorities. Plan your daily workload, determine the anticipated time it will take you for each assignment, and stick to the schedule. It is also vital to keep your schedule varied to avoid your brain getting flooded with information on a single subject.

Effective use of weekends

If you are studying while working full time then effective use of weekends is crucial. Spend some time on your CMA preparation every weekend and review the course material covered over the week, answer all relevant MCQs, figure out the probable essay questions and note any doubts that need to be clarified in your upcoming class.

Find a study partner

Find a study partner or study in small groups in your company to discuss complex concepts. This will allow you to learn quicker, review each other’s’ progress and be a great motivating.

Eliminate work hours that are not productive

When it comes to staying focused, one must avoid unproductive activities, like spending too much time on social media, watching TV etc. Productivity apps are ideal to make the most of your work time as well as study hours to also include some much required relaxation.

Prep for your exam by taking a week off

As the exam date draws near, it is best to take a couple of days off from work. In this manner, you'll be able to boost your mental energy and make sure you are able to give your 100% to the upcoming US CMA exam.

Maintain your health 

Studying and working at the same time can put your body and mind under tremendous pressure. When it comes to our daily routine, staying energized and composed is significant. Make sure you get enough sleep at night and keep a healthy diet. Whenever you feel tense, do what makes you happy.

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