Here are some tips on how to prepare for the ACCA examination by self-studying

The ACCA course also called the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants, is a globally recognized chartered accountancy course with three levels and twelve plus papers that qualify you to practice in about 175 plus countries.

In order to climb the first step on the ladder to a financially stable and promising future, you will have to pass the ACCA exams and put in a lot of effort as it is one of the highest-paid and most respected jobs. It is highly recommended that you do some research on previous ACCA exams and examiners' demands, as these exams are based on MCQs and short questions to test students' critical skills.

It is your ticket to a bright future if you achieve success with your ACCA qualification, but you must be fully dedicated to studying through a carefully curated study schedule to achieve your goals. To learn how to self-study for ACCA, here's an in-depth guide. 

  • Make a schedule for your day

Having a schedule outlining when and what you are preparing to study is crucial, and you should become familiar with the syllabus and structure of the ACCA before creating a timetable because this will help you identify which topics require more research and which are more difficult to understand. As you gather all the necessary information, a schedule will allow you to plan your hours precisely, and it will also help you categorize your curriculum according to relevance and ease of implementation.

  • Approach with an objective viewpoint

In order to make your revision flow smoothly, select specific daily or weekly targets and make sure you meet them on time. The more systematic your study pattern is, the better. It is difficult to cover all the resources associated with the ACCA exam, so this will give your studies some momentum.

  • Be sure to stock up on reliable study materials

The advantage of studying material curated and approved by top ACCAs is that you will have access to model answers to past papers from the examiners themselves if you plan to prepare for your ACCA exams on your own. This can give you a fair idea about what key concepts are needed for the exams and can make sure you complete your syllabus thoroughly ahead.

  • Establish a study schedule

Creating a schedule is crucial if you live in an environment where you are easily distracted. A timetable must be followed since it can go an entire day without anything being accomplished. It is most effective to allocate time for tough subjects in the morning because your brain is at its peak at that time of the day.

  • It's all about practice, practice, and practice

The only way to learn is from our mistakes. When preparing for the ACCA examinations, ensure you have a question bank and practice is essential for learning from our mistakes. Familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and structure, and dig into past papers to get an idea of what the examiner would be thinking. Practicing past papers is highly recommended for those students who are somewhat familiar with the exam pattern and skill set required to pass the exam as it is the final step in preparation.

  • Keeping running notes is essential

Rather than spending hours trying to gather elaborate notes, you can create a one-page overview of topics you think are relevant or you might forget easily. These recaps will be useful when revising before your exams and will make it easy to review the key points quickly and efficiently.

  • Make it a daily goal to study every day

The aim of each day should be to accomplish a specific task. Topics, chapters, topics, etc. Can be included. By taking these small steps each day, you'll save a lot of time. It is wise to leave plenty of time before exams to practice. If you are a working professional, it is all the more imperative to dedicate crucial ACCA self-study hours. 

  • Connect with ACCA Affiliates to Learn Some Helpful Tips

In self-studying, it is possible to get lost in the process, feel directionless, and uncertain about your study material, and your study patterns. On a group basis, you could share knowledge, motivate yourself, and study in a more systematic manner, guiding you in the right direction and simplifying your learning experience.

  • Tutors are a great resource

The first thing is to pay attention to the details and get insight from experts to ensure you feel confident on the day of your exam.

  • Be well rested

A general rule of thumb is not to overwork your mind and body before the big day and to get proper sleep and avoid last-minute cramming as this will ensure your brain gets the rest it needs.

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